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9 february 2018

Pilot project in Rotterdam: information for hard-to-reach groups

In the near future Volgjezorg, VZVZ and Stichting MeSam will start a pilot in Rotterdam for hard-to-reach target groups. The aim of this project is to (better) inform people about the importance of giving permission for sharing their medical data.
Tekenen samenwerking VZVZ en MeSam

Large Cities

Many people think healthcare providers already share medical data. But often they do not know that it is only allowed if they give their consent. Especially in larger cities this knowledge is lacking, often due to low literacy, cultural differences, insufficient language skill or general distrust.

Together with Stichting MeSam, we will start with accessible informational meetings for these hard-to-reach citizens. In small groups they will be informed about the importance of giving permission for the exchange of medical data. During these sessions people will be able to ask questions, and discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of sharing medical data.

About Stichting MeSam (The MeSam Foundation)

MeSam, expert-centre for Mens & Samenleving (People and Society), has a 35-year long history in social projects been the city of Rotterdam. They possess extensive knowledge and experience in the field of diversity in urban society. That makes them an extremely suitable partner in this pilot.

Later follow-up

Het is de bedoeling het project voor de zomer af te ronden. Als de uitkomsten van het project positief zijn, dan zal deze nieuwe aanpak ook in andere grote steden worden toegepast.

Our aim is to finish and evaluate this pilot before summer. If the pilot proves to be successful, we will continue this new approach in other large cities.

See the official press release in Dutch (here).



Ik heb nog geen toestemming gegeven om mijn medische gegevens te delen

Giving permission