
voorlezen letters vergroten
9 may 2022

Volgjezorg-patient information available in Ukrainian

Many people have fled Ukraine. Just like the Dutch, they need good healthcare.
But refugees often do not have a regular GP or pharmacy. Or they change quickly, because they are housed in other locations. For proper healthcare, now and in the future, it is therefore very important that medical data is recorded in a file and that it can be requested by other healthcare providers. But just like all other patients, Ukrainian patients need to give their permission first before the exchange of medical information is allowed.
That is why we have translated the Volgjezorg leaflet in Ukrainian.
(Text continues below the image.)
Vlag van Oekraine

To download the leaflet in Ukrainian go to:

This information is also available in:

  •      Arabic
  •      English
  •      Polish
  •      Portuguese
  •      Spanish
  •      Turkish


Ik heb nog geen toestemming gegeven om mijn medische gegevens te delen

Giving permission