Privacy en veiligheid

Security, privacy and legislation

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The National Exchange Point was specially developed and secured for the reliable exchange of medical data between healthcare providers. The National Exchange Point meets all requirements, standards and qualifications for security, and it is the only exchange system in the Netherlands that complies with all laws and regulations in this area.

Measures for the secure exchange of your medical data

These are the most important measures for securing safe exchange of medical data through the National Exchange Point:

  • Healthcare providers cannot just connect to the network. The computer system(s) of the healthcare provider must meet strict security requirements.
  • A healthcare provider can only log into the network with a special id-card and a password.
  • You, as a patient, must first expressly authorize your healthcare provider to share your medical data.
  • Only healthcare providers who are involved in your treatment as a patient may view your data.
  • And they may only access your data if it is necessary for your treatment.
  • The use of the National Exchange Point is closely monitored. The network keeps track of who has viewed which data and when, enabling you to keep track of your data.You can always check this via your personal portal on Volgjezorg.
  • The National Exchange Point does not store any of your medical data.

In short: your privacy is always guarded and monitored.

Legislation protecting your privacy

The most important legislation that protects your privacy:

  • 'Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG), voorheen de Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens (Wbp)' (General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), formerly the Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp)).
  • 'Wet op de geneeskundige behandelingsovereenkomst (WGBO)' (Act on the Medical Treatment Agreement (WGBO)).

The National Exchange Point ensures the privacy of the patient, both technically and organisationally. This has been confirmed by the 'Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP)' (Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP)), the court and the court of appeal.

Other important legislation

(1) Art. 15th of the Law:

From 1 July 2020, all patients must be able to see who has requested their medical data and when this was done.

Using Volgjezorg, patients can see when certain medical data has been exchanged via the National Exchange Point and with whom. Thus Volgjezorg complies with this article of the law. However, healthcare providers can also exchange data via systems other than the National Exchange Point. These exchanges are therefore not visible through Volgjezorg.

Please contact your healthcare providers if you want to know more about other exchanges.

(2) Art. 15d of the Law

From 1 July 2020, all patients must be able to access their own medical data digitally free of charge, if they are digitally stored with their healthcare provider.

Volgjezorg is not a healthcare provider and does not store medical information. You can therefore not view a file of, for example, your general practitioner, through Volgjezorg.


Volgjezorg complies with all current laws and regulations regarding the exchange of medical data.

And we will continue to do that for the future.



Ik heb nog geen toestemming gegeven om mijn medische gegevens te delen

Giving permission